Eleven days since my last post. That's pathetic. As I sit here in the comfort of my living room in rainy Silicon Valley, it's hard to believe that I'm only four months away from graduation. Which means it's the perfect time to reflect on the past semester.
A majority of my classmates returned from their summer internships with full-time offers in hand. However, the confluence of a top ranked B-School and a hot job market meant that nearly everyone was still shopping around. This made "Where are you going next year?" the most-asked question on campus this fall, followed closely by "When is the sun going to come out?"
Yours truly has consciously removed himself from the job search wackiness and attempted to focus more on academics and extracurriculars. That's because our friends in Silicon Valley tend to delay their hiring decisions until they have an actual need. In other words, while P&G can tell you in September the heads they will need the following August, tech companies have almost no idea. Who knows what the next few months will bring on the job front? All I know for certain is that it's a very short list.