Where's Nate?

living large in the four-oh-eight. wicked large.


one down, two to go.

We made our final MAP presentation to our faculty advisors yesterday, with mixed results. As we were one of the first teams at Michigan to present (the term ends on 4/27), they were complimentary of how far our analysis and recommendations had come in six short weeks. I think we made a compelling argument that illustrated our understanding of the industry, customer perceptions, and next steps for Cisco.

The faculty gave us some specific feedback, however, that will make us re-think one of our recommendations before our Friday meeting with Cisco in San Jose. We certainly have time, as we fly out to California this afternoon and will have Wednesday and Thursday on-site.

MAP continues to be quite an experience. Nothing like taking six students from various backgrounds and throwing them into a seven-week project with no clear (or implied) reporting structure, two key stakeholders (the faculty and the company), and huge deliverables. What does this remind me of?

Oh, yeah. The real world.


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