Where's Nate?

living large in the four-oh-eight. wicked large.


hug your neighbor.

The last day of Orientation at Ross was a very satisfying and emotional one. Each section went out into the community to work on a service project. Section 5 spent the day with The Greening of Detroit, an organization whose mission is to plant trees and gardens in the depressed areas of the Motor City.

My group cleared out dozens of wheelbarrows full of brush, laid down mulch, and planted a section of a garden at an urban high school for teenage mothers. I even got to drive a tractor for the first time since I spent summers in Nebraska.
(raising hell on the urban farm)

Bodies sore and sunburned, we headed back to campus to hear from the founder of Focus: HOPE. Her speech, from the heart, moved many of my classmates to tears. Many of us (including myself) personally pledged to her that we would support her organization during this academic year.

This is what makes a place like Michigan so great. Where even business school students hold global citizenship in the highest regard.


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