Where's Nate?

living large in the four-oh-eight. wicked large.


some light reading.

I can't believe I subscribe to the Wall Street Journal. I used to snicker at the tools at Middlebury who used to have it delivered to their student mailboxes. I mean, who could possibly enjoy a newspaper without photographs on the front page?

Alas, I am now a subscriber. The student discount was too good to pass up and whoever lives next to me has finally noticed that I was stealing their New York Times.

We wrapped up the module focusing on individual leadership today. Overall, it was a compelling exercise, albeit a long one. My self-assessment was as I anticipated it would be: strong on the soft stuff, needs improvement on the quant side. What a surprise.

What was interesting to me was how some of my classmates were reacting to their "data" as if it was a prescription for some kind of radical change. I don't see it that way. The assessment, in a sense, legitimized my pursuit of an MBA by reinforcing what I believed to be my strengths while illuminating the depths of my weaknesses. Needless to say, I have a bit of heavy lifting to do on the process and quantitative side.


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